Permissions Add-on for SCCM Powershell Module

Powershell: This is an add-on module for the one from here: It requires you knowing the masking permissions and object keys:

[powershell] Function New-SCCMInstancePermission {
< # .Synopsis Creates a Instance Permission Using WMI SMS_UserInstancePermissions Class. .Description Creates a Instance Permission Using WMI SMS_UserInstancePermissions Class. .Parameter SccmServer SCCM Server Object created using Connect-SCCMServer function. .Parameter InstanceID InstanceID of the of the object you want to delegate permissions to. .Parameter InstancePermission Permissions (in mask form) to be delegated permissions. .Parameter ObjectKey ObjectKey representing the class of the object you want to delegate permissions to. .Parameter UserName Name of the of the User or Group you want to delegate permissions to. .Example PS> New-SCCMInstancePermission -SccmServer $Server -InstanceID SMS00001 -InstancePermission 1 -ObjectKey 1 -UserName “Domain\Authenticated Users”
Grants Read (InstancePermission=1) permissions to “Domain\Authenticated Users” on the “All Systems” (InstanceID=SMS00001) Collection (ObjectKey=1).
PS> New-SCCMInstancePermission -SccmServer $Server -InstanceID NCS0001B -InstancePermission 52435687 -ObjectKey 1 -UserName “Domain\Dept-OU Admins”
Grants all available Collection Permissions {Advertise, Delete, Delete Resource, Manage management controllers, Modify, Modify collection setting, Modify resource, Read, Read resource, Use remote tools, View collected files, View management controllers} (InstancePermission=52435687) permissions to “Domain\Dept-OU Admins” on the 27th created (InstanceID=NCS0001B) Collection (ObjectKey=1) in the SITE named NCS.
NAME: New-SCCMInstancePermission
AUTHOR: Billy Beaudoin
LASTEDIT: 08/01/2011

[CmdletBinding()] PARAM (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”SCCM Server”)][Alias(“Server”,”SmsServer”)][System.Object] $SccmServer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”InstanceID”, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $InstanceID,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”InstancePermission”)] [ValidateRange(0, 52435687)] [int] $InstancePermission,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”ObjectKey”)] [ValidateRange(1, 26)] [int] $ObjectKey,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”UserName”)] [String] $UserName

# Build the parameters for creating the instance permission
$permClass = [WMICLASS]”\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_UserInstancePermissions”
$newPerm = $permClass.createInstance()

$newPerm.InstanceKey = $InstanceID
$newPerm.InstancePermissions = $InstancePermission
$newPerm.ObjectKey = $ObjectKey
$newPerm.UserName = $UserName

Write-Verbose “Return the new permission with ID $($InstanceID)”
return $newPerm

Function New-SCCMClassPermission {
< # .Synopsis Creates a Class Permission Using WMI SMS_UserClassPermissions Class. .Description Creates a Class Permission Using WMI SMS_UserClassPermissions Class. .Parameter SccmServer SCCM Server Object created using Connect-SCCMServer function. .Parameter ClassPermission Permissions (in mask form) to be delegated permissions. .Parameter ObjectKey ObjectKey representing the class you want to delegate permissions to. .Parameter UserName Name of the of the User or Group you want to delegate permissions to. .Example PS> New-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $Server -ClassPermission 1 -ObjectKey 1 -UserName “Domain\Authenticated Users”
Grants Read (ClassPermission=1) permissions to “Domain\Authenticated Users” on Collections (ObjectKey=1).
PS> New-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $Server -ClassPermission 52445159 -ObjectKey 1 -UserName “Domain\Dept-OU Admins”
Grants all available Collection Permissions {Administer, Advertise, Create, Delegate, Delete, Delete Resource, Manage management controllers, Modify, Modify collection setting, Modify resource, Read, Read resource, Use remote tools, View collected files, View management controllers} (ClassPermission=52445159) permissions to “Domain\Dept-OU Admins” on Collections (ObjectKey=1).
NAME: New-SCCMClassPermission
AUTHOR: Billy Beaudoin
LASTEDIT: 08/01/2011


[CmdletBinding()] PARAM (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”SCCM Server”)][Alias(“Server”,”SmsServer”)][System.Object] $SccmServer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”ClassPermission”)] [ValidateRange(0, 201335041)] [int] $ClassPermission,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”ObjectKey”)] [ValidateRange(1, 26)] [int] $ObjectKey,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”UserName”)] [String] $UserName

# Build the parameters for creating the class permission
$permClass = [WMICLASS]”\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_UserClassPermissions”
$newPerm = $permClass.createInstance()

$newPerm.ClassPermissions = $ClassPermission
$newPerm.ObjectKey = $ObjectKey
$newPerm.UserName = $UserName

Write-Verbose “Return the new permission with Class $($ObjectKey)”
return $newPerm

Function Get-SCCMClassPermission {
< # .Synopsis Gets Class Permissions Using WMI SMS_UserClassPermissionsNames Class. .Description Gets Class Permissions Using WMI SMS_UserClassPermissionsNames Class using at least of the ObjectKey, Username, or Permission. .Parameter SccmServer SCCM Server Object created using Connect-SCCMServer function. .Parameter Permission Permissions (in English) to search on. .Parameter ObjectKey ObjectKey representing the class you want to search on. .Parameter UserName Name of the of the User or Group you want to search on. Note the double backslash. .Example PS> Get-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $SCCM -UserName “NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM”
Lists all class permissions delegated to “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM”.

PS> Get-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $SCCM -ObjectKey 1
Lists all class permissions delegated on the Collection Class.

PS> Get-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $SCCM -ObjectKey 2 -Permission “Read”
Lists all “Read” class permissions delegated on Packages.

PS> Get-SCCMClassPermission -SccmServer $SCCM -ObjectKey 3 -UserName “NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM”
Lists the class permissions delegated to “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” on Advertisements.

NAME: Get-SCCMClassPermission
AUTHOR: Billy Beaudoin
LASTEDIT: 08/01/2011


[CmdletBinding()] PARAM (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=”SCCM Server”)][Alias(“Server”,”SmsServer”)][System.Object] $SccmServer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage=”ObjectKey”)] [ValidateRange(1, 26)] [int] $ObjectKey = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage=”Permission”)] [String] $Permission = “”,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage=”UserName”)] [String] $UserName = “”

# Build the parameters for reading the class permission

if($UserName -eq “” -and $Permission -eq “”){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “ObjectKey = ‘$ObjectKey'” | Select-Object UserName, PermissionName | Sort-Object UserName | Out-Default
elseif($ObjectKey -eq 0 -and $Permission -eq “”){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “UserName = ‘$UserName'” | Select-Object UserName, ObjectKey, PermissionName | Sort-Object ObjectKey | Out-Default
elseif($ObjectKey -eq 0 -and $UserName -eq “”){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “PermissionName = ‘$Permission'” | Select-Object UserName, ObjectKey, PermissionName | Sort-Object ObjectKey | Out-Default
elseif($UserName -eq “”){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “PermissionName = ‘$Permission’ AND ObjectKey = ‘$ObjectKey'” | Select-Object UserName | Out-Default
elseif($Permission -eq “”){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “UserName = ‘$UserName’ AND ObjectKey = ‘$ObjectKey'” | Select-Object PermissionName | Out-Default
elseif($ObjectKey -eq 0){
return Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_UserClassPermissionNames -Filter “PermissionName = ‘$Permission’ AND UserName = ‘$UserName'” | Select-Object ObjectKey | Out-Default